Using Essential Oils Around Pets: The Do’s and Don’ts - Way Of Will
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Using Essential Oils Around Pets: The Do’s and Don’ts

Essential oils are thenew antibiotics in town, and one of the major alternatives to traditional antibiotics and medicines. But, where do we draw the line on healthy vs. potentially dangerous for your pet?


  • Try out the oil on yourself before using it on your pet. Chances are you can figure out the right amount to use and just how it feels before using on your pet. For instance, maybe Frankincense is too sedating for you, so you can consider using less than needed on your pet. Be aware of how you feel when using a certain essential oil and apply that knowledge when applying on or around your fluffy friend. Pay attention to how your pet responds to the oil. Dogs have highly sensitive noses, so if they leave the room when you’re diffusing Rosemary or another oil, it’s probably best to discontinue.
  • Take the time to research each essential oil and essential oil blend you want to try out in order to have a well-rounded approach. Read other pet parent blogs and commentary, as well as hear from licensed veterinarians to learn of the benefits and potential dangers. Way of Will also has a certified aromatherapist on board that can answer any questions related to pets and essential oils, so feel free to reach out on our contact page.
  • Your mantra for using essential oils with pets should be “less is more.” Apply or use in small doses to witness reaction.
  • Dilute essential oils properly before use on your pet’s skin. You can use carrier oils like coconut and sunflower since they’re safe to use on your pet with or without the added essential oils. Dilution ratio should be 3-4 drops of your desired essential oil mixed with 80-90% carrier oil.

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  • Don’t leave essential oils out in the open. Pets like cats and dogs tend to move around the home frequently in every direction as curious creatures. There’s the potential risk of ingesting essential oils, which can lead to essential oil poisoning and an immediate call to the veterinarian.
  • Don’t leave your diffuser on for more than an hour or two, especially if your pet has respiratory issues. Breathing in essential oils can potentially make it harder for them to breathe.
  • If your pet has thick fur, don’t assume that using undiluted essential oils is safe. Essential oils are highly potent plant oils and are absorbed through the pores of the skin. They should be diluted during every use on skin to avoid skin irritation and skin burns.

There are some amazing DIY recipes that you can try that benefit your pet! You just need to do it right.

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